Today, we published a new maintenance release of Hibernate ORM 6.2: 6.2.5.Final.

What’s new

This maintenance release keeps improving stability with several bugfixes.


Second level cache fixes

We have fixed several bugs related to Hibernate’s second level cache functionalities:

  • Caching was not working properly for entities with inheritance when hibernate.cache.use_structured_entries was enabled (see HHH-16714).

  • Hibernate failed to access a lazy fetched @ManyToOne association which was part of a composite @IdClass identifier when stored in L2 cache (see HHH-16673).

  • A TransientObjectException was encountered when loading a versioned entity from the second level cache with a @OneToOne lazy mapping (see HHH-16745).

Treated and generic association joins

We addressed a couple issues that occurred when joining on generic or treated association paths:

  • When joining on a treated association we failed to retrieve the attribute from the correct treat target type (see HHH-16574).

  • When joining on a MappedSuperclass generic association there was a problem recognizing the association attribute from the concrete (see HHH-16693).

Mapping the same column to different properties

  • We have fixed several issues that were reported for different use cases which had problems when mapping the same underlying database column to different model properties (see HHH-15929).

Batching and composite identifiers

We have fixed a couple bugs related to composite identifiers when batching was enabled:

  • Fetching an element collection on an entity with a composite @EmbeddedId identifier failed with batch enabled (see HHH-16740).

  • A ClassCastException was triggered when an entity with an @ElementCollection had an @EmbeddedId with just one field and batching was enabled (see HHH-16750).

There are more improvements and bugfixes included in this version. You can find the full list of changes here.


For additional details, see:

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